Monday, January 25, 2016

Prayer/poem for Adoration

 O joy, anger and sorrow. 
These emotions come and go. 
But if I be with Thee, Thy peace shall remain.
 Though all should look at me with disdain, Thy peace shall remain.
 Yet nothing compares to the peace that is there. 
And nothing can explain, the God-Head hidden, beneath a veil of bread and wine.
 All grand and full of love, yet so sublime. 
This love I cannot grasp. 
So hidden, yet so real.
 As I look upon Thy Monstrance, and Thee, under Thy mask.
 No matter what emotions I may feel. 
I know that This is real. 
That Thou art present here. 
Of Thee I will always fear. 
Thy Church's teachings confirm this fact. 
And from it, I pray, I shall not turn my back. 
Oh Lord, banish from me, disdain of Thee.
 Open my eyes, so I may always see. 
Thy Body, in this Monstrance.
 What joy it would be, for me, to forever have the chance To gaze on Thee, in Thy Monstrance. 
Oh Lord, I fall on my knees, when I see Thee.
 Spouse of my soul, my God and my All! 
Yes, when I see Thy Body, upon my knees I must fall. 
For I know, yes I know. 
Thou art here, till the end of time, Thou will be.
 Thy Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity! 
No other churches know this Lord.
 But in Thy one true Church, It is all adored.
 Compassion I beg of Thee, for on them I must have pity. 
 For they know not, that they have abhorred. 
The closest relationship in the world. 
With Thee, my God, and my Lord. 
Yes, Thou art here my God. Till the end of time Thou shall be. 
Thy Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. 
Call me nigh, to Thee Most High. 
In Thy Monstrance Lord, all hailed and adored. 
What Gift Thou hast given me! 
Thee I shall praise, forevermore, upon my bended knee!


1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful, Teresa! And I'm so excited you have a blog.
